Discovering Charleston’s Coastal Creatures

So, you’re planning a trip to Charleston? You’ve probably heard about the charm of historic downtown and maybe you’ve even mapped out your food tour, but if you’re up for a little adventure, hopping on a boat tour off the coast is a relaxing and fun filled experience. Whether you're cruising around the harbor or heading out into the open water, the wildlife you’ll encounter is nothing short of incredible. From playful dolphins to majestic birds, here's a rundown of what you might spot out there.

dolphin swimming

Dolphins: The Stars of the Show

First and foremost, let’s talk about dolphins. If you’re heading out on the water in Charleston, chances are you’re going to see Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. These guys are super common around here, and they love showing off! They’re often spotted swimming close to boats, riding the bow waves, or even jumping out of the water.

One of the best things about dolphins in Charleston is that you can often see them year-round. While they do migrate, many of them are considered "resident" dolphins, meaning they stick around the Lowcountry waters pretty consistently. You’ll see them cruising around in the harbor or near the barrier islands like Isle of Palms and Sullivan’s Island, especially where there’s shallow water, as they hunt for fish. You might even catch them doing something called "strand feeding", a unique hunting technique where they herd fish onto the shore, beach themselves temporarily to grab a bite, and then slip back into the water. It’s a rare behavior you can really only see in places like Charleston and a few other coastal spots.

brown pelicans

Pelicans and Seabirds: The Coastal Sky Squad

Keep your eyes peeled above you, too! Charleston is home to a variety of seabirds, and you’ll probably notice them as soon as your boat leaves the dock. Brown pelicans are some of the most common and entertaining ones to watch. These big, stocky birds will often be soaring overhead before suddenly diving, kamikaze-style, straight into the water to catch fish. If you see one perched on a pier post or gliding just above the waves, it’s like getting a snapshot of Lowcountry life in action.

Other birds you’ll want to look for include terns, gulls, and cormorants. Cormorants are especially cool because you’ll often see them drying out their wings after a deep dive for fish. They sit with their wings outstretched like they're posing for photos. If your boat tour goes by some of the smaller islands or marshy areas, you might also catch sight of egrets and herons wading near the shorelines, picking their way through the shallows as they hunt for shrimp or small fish.

Sea turtle facing the camera, half submerged in the water

Sea Turtles: A Rare and Stunning Sight

Okay, I won’t lie, seeing a sea turtle is a little rarer, but it’s definitely possible. Charleston’s coastal waters are home to loggerhead sea turtles, especially during the summer months when they’re nesting on the nearby beaches. You might spot one poking its head up for a breath of air or even see a juvenile swimming close to the surface. Most boat tours won’t guarantee a sea turtle sighting, but when it happens, it’s one of those special moments you won’t forget. They tend to hang out in the same places as dolphins, so keep your eyes on the water!

Sharks and Rays: The Cool but Less Flashy Locals

Don't be surprised if you spot a fin or two cutting through the water; it's not all dolphins out there! Charleston’s coastal waters are home to a variety of shark species, including bonnethead sharks (which look like mini hammerheads), blacktip sharks, and sandbar sharks. These sharks aren’t anything to be afraid of, and they’re usually more interested in the fish than in people. You’ll often see them in the shallow waters of the estuaries or even around the piers.

Stingrays are another cool sight to watch for. Occasionally, you’ll see one gliding just under the surface of the water, especially in the warmer months. They move like underwater kites, their wings rippling gracefully as they go about their business. Just seeing their smooth, ghost-like movements can be mesmerizing.

underwater shot of a manatee and its calf

Manatees: A Summertime Surprise

Believe it or not, manatees make their way up to Charleston’s waters during the summer months! They’re not always easy to find, but there’s been an uptick in sightings in recent years. These slow-moving giants tend to hang out in shallow, warm waters, and they’re usually found near piers or inlets where freshwater mixes with saltwater. Manatees are the ultimate chill animals, just floating along, munching on vegetation. If you see one, it’ll likely be a big gray shadow beneath the surface or you might spot its nose poking up for air. It’s rare but totally possible so keep your camera ready!

fiddler crabs

Other Critters: The Marsh Life

If your boat tour takes you near the salt marshes and many of them do, you'll get a peek at some of the more hidden locals. Marshes are teeming with life, from tiny fiddler crabs scuttling across the mud to periwinkle snails inching their way up marsh grass. You might also spot a river otter or even a mink darting between the grasses. The marsh is like the nursery of the coast where all kinds of creatures come to grow up before heading out into the big, wide ocean.

osprey catching a fish

Ospreys: The Fish-Hunting Eagles

Ospreys are another bird species you might see soaring overhead. These birds of prey are known for their incredible fishing skills, and they are often spotted along Charleston's waterways, hunting for their next meal. Ospreys have a distinctive way of fishing: they hover over the water before plunging down talon-first to snatch a fish right out of the ocean. It’s an impressive sight if you manage to catch them in action. Look for their large nests on channel markers or tall structures near the water.

bald eagle standing on a wooden pole

Bald Eagles: America's Symbol in the Wild

Speaking of birds of prey, the bald eagle is making a comeback along the Charleston coastline. While still a rare sight, there’s always the chance you’ll spot one of these majestic birds during your boat tour. They tend to hang out near rivers and large bodies of water, and like ospreys, they’re expert fishers. You’ll likely spot it perched high in a tree or gliding through the air with its massive wingspan.

alligator lurking in green marsh water

Alligators: The Marsh Dwellers

If your boat tour ventures into the inland waterways or marshes, there's a chance you could spot an alligator sunning itself on the banks or silently gliding through the water. While they’re not as common in the open ocean, they thrive in the brackish waters of Charleston's tidal creeks and marshes. Alligators are more commonly spotted in places like the ACE Basin or the freshwater rivers that feed into the ocean, but keep your eyes peeled—you never know!

cannonball jellyfish on the beach in South Carolina

Jellyfish: The Ocean’s Drifters

You might also spot jellyfish drifting through the water, especially during the summer months. Cannonball jellyfish are the most common species around Charleston, and you’ll often see their round, mushroom-shaped bodies floating near the surface. While they can sting, they’re generally harmless to humans, and they make for an interesting sight as they pulse and drift with the currents.

underwater shot of two mantarays

Rays and Skates: Graceful Gliders

In addition to stingrays, Charleston's waters are home to other species of rays and skates. You might spot a cownose ray, with its wide wings flapping gracefully just below the surface. These creatures travel in large schools, so if you see one, chances are there are plenty more nearby. Their movements are incredibly smooth, and watching them glide through the water is like watching an underwater ballet.

photograph of a boat sailing at sunset

Conclusion: Nature on Display

A boat tour off the coast of Charleston is basically a wildlife safari on the water. From dolphins playing in the boat's wake to pelicans diving for their dinner, there’s always something to see. Whether you’re a nature lover or just someone looking for a relaxing way to enjoy the coastal scenery, keep your eyes peeled—you never know what you’ll spot out there! It’s the perfect mix of excitement and tranquility.

If you are wanting to experience the sealife up close and personal take a tour with Carolina Marine Group ... That's Us :)

There’s a reason Carolina Marine Group has been the winner of the Post and Courier Charleston Choice award for many years running! Book your tour today!

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